Monday, September 5, 2011

परम पूज्य शिक्षक...

गुरुर ब्रह्मा, गुरुर विष्णु, गुरुर देवो महेश्वरः,
गुरुर साक्षात परब्रह्मा, तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः

भारतीय इतिहास में सर्वोच्च पद शिक्षक का रहा है फिर वो द्रोणाचार्य हो या वशिष्ठ ....
पर मेरे engg में कुछ ऐसे शिक्षक रहे है जो ना ही होते तो बेहतर होता..जैसे आप ये वाक्य पढ़िए...
Both of you three come here...
अब आप समझ ही गए होंगे की हमने किस कठिन तपस्या से इंजीनियरिंग पास की है, इतनी मेहनत तो एकलव्य को भी नहीं करना पड़ी होगी...

ऐसे ही कई शिक्षक हमे इंजीनियरिंग के कार्यकाल में पढ़ाने आये और चले गए...पर इतनी बदलियों के बाद भी हम नहीं बदले...हा हा...
उन्ही परम पूज्य शिक्षको के लिए मेरा यह ब्लॉग समर्पित है जिसमे में उनसे जुडी कुछ बाते बताना चाहूँगा...
हमारे एक शिक्षक थे, नाम था अमित...जो पढ़ाते कम थे और पूछते ज्यादा थे...कभी कभी तो वो सब भी पूछ लेते थे जो उन्हें भी पता नहीं होता था. वो जेम्स बांड से बहुत ही प्रभावित थे..
एक और उनके ही साथी थे विनीत...जो लडको के viva १०-१५ मिनट में ख़तम कर देते थे और जो हमारी क्लास की माल लडकिया थी उनके १ घंटे तक चलते थे...और उनसे जो प्रश्न पूछे जाते थे वो भी माशा अल्लाह..."आपका पसंदीदा फिल्मो का नायक कौन है और क्यों..."
५वे semester में हमे एक विषय था...डाटाबेस...उसमे हमे कम से कम ८-९ अलग अलग शिक्षक पढ़ाने आये और वो ६ महीनो में एक ही चीज़ पढ़ा पाए...information और data में अंतर..जिसका उत्तर है .."data is processed information"....
एक और शिक्षिका थी, जिनकी शादी के पैसे के लिए हम विद्यार्थियों ने धन इकठठा किया था...
हमारे महा ग्यानी शिक्षक जिन्हें हम प्यार से "बाबा" बुलाया करते थे..जो सिफ कक्षा में २-३ विद्यार्थियों को ही पढ़ाने आते थे...पूरी कक्षा से उन्हें कोई भी सरोकार नहीं था..."आप लोग समझते नहीं है.."
"मग्गा" जिनके गले का silencer ख़राब हो चूका था...वो ना जाने किस भाषा में पढ़ाते थे..कुछ भी समझ नहीं आता था...

हमारी प्रक्टिक्ल्स की फाइल दुल्हन से भी ज्यादा सजी-धजी होती थी...भले ही अन्दर से कुरूप हो, बहार से अच्छी लगना चाहिए...भला हो दीपक सर का...और हमारी उस senior का जिसने ये प्रथा चलायी.
एक और शिक्षिका थी जिनका पसंदीदा वाक्य था "ऐ तू इधर आ रे...", समझधार को इशारा ही काफी है.
अली सर, जो हमेशा मजे या मोज़े की ही बात करते थे.
एक और बहुत भावुक महोदय थे, मुकेश जी, जो हमारी बदमाशियों के चक्कर में इस्तीफा तक दे चुके थे, वो अलग बात है की उन्होंने उसे बगैर किसी वजह से वापस ले लिया था, कुछ लोगो ने तो उनकी विदाई समारो ह के लिए चंदा (don't get confused with Sapta) तक एकत्रित कर लिया था.
तो अब आप लोग समझ ही गए होंगे कितना मुश्किल था हमारे लिए इंजीनियरिंग पास करना.
फिर भी आज शिक्षक दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में उन सभी शिक्षको को शत शत नमन.

धन्यवाद. जय हिंद. मेरा भारत महान और इस भारत के शिक्षक भी महान.

Friday, August 12, 2011

I live in no democracy

We are about to celebrate the 64th independence day of India, but the real question which still arise in my heart that are we really independent?Are we really free to fight for our rights? Are we having right kind of leaders? Is our nation is in right hands? Where are we heading now? Are we still living in worlds biggest democracy? Few might believe that what kind of questions are these but lets first understand something about democracy.

What is a democracy? I search it on Google and got something:

The term comes from the Greek, δημοκρατία – (dēmokratía) "rule of the people". A form of government in which all eligible people have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. One of the key feature of democracy is Good Governance, "focus on public interest and absence of corruption".

Now lets see what's around us:

First lets see the term 'eligible people': There are 150+ MP which have criminal cases registered against them. Few of them including A. Raja, S. Kalmadi, Kanimojhi and many others are now in jail instead of attending parliament session. I don't have the figure for those sitting in state assembly. Nothing more to say on this now.

Equal say: All people in the democracy has equal right, think it as 'every vote has equal weight'. India is in now streets for constituting a law, which few people sitting in government don't want to be passed. And they are successful in doing so. Do I have equal weight of my vote with those denying for the law.

Third and most important point, Decisions that affect their lives: The toothless bill which is put in parliament, how it affect my life, how it can be used to get rid of corrupt people taking my money in swiss heavens. This bill affects no one. Its just a anti corruption bill for the sake of putting anti corruption law in place, while in reality it will do nothing.

Focus on public interest: I don't think I have to say anything to prove this point wrong. Even after 64 years of independence, there are no proper roads in the county. People are dying because of no drinking water, no food and no shelter. Farmers are committing suicide. Forget about those who speak of high speed freeways, high speed trains and other amenities.

And last but not the least, Absence of corruption: Well this is most hilarious part of this discussion. People of India are now on streets, doing fast, rally and Anshan to request the lawmakers to create a strong law. Isn't this funny, people want a strict law and government apposing it. As we say in Hindi, "Chor ki daadhi mein tinka".

With all these points, I think I can justify my statement that I live in no democracy.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

PM : Should be in or out

This is becoming the debate of the year (or decade I should say) that whether PM should be under the purview of lokpal or not. Most of the people think that it should come as he's a normal Indian and no one is above the law while others say that as he's the supreme of the govt, so he should be immune. Below I am posting my opinion on this debate (off course I can as this is my blog and I have all the rights to express :-) )

As per the civil society (which includes Annaji, Arvind kejriwal, Prashant bhushan, shashi Bhushan, Santosh Hegde, Kiran Bedi and other 237076 people supporting on FB page of India Against Corruption) they want to keep the PM in the ambit of Lokpal. Now what is the harm to keep the highest chief of government out side Lokpal jurisdiction? He's the most respectable person in Indian parliament. Most of you also think in the same way which is right. But here comes the hidden problems of keeping him out of Lokpal jurisdiction:

  1. Its not just PM which will be out of the purview of Lokpal but the whole PMO (Prime Minister's Office) as all the decisions, policies and laws has to go from there atleast once in its life time. So this simply means that for any case which Lokpal is investigating, and it includes PMO, the inquiry can not proceed as we have already kept the PMO immune. Even if you take the recent examples, PMO is involved in some way or other, but no one can blame on it anything because we have the most honest PM (??) and we should not doubt his integrity.
  2. As all ministries are linked to each other and a single bill has to take permissions from so many ministries and in most of the cases PMO is also involved. So we are back to same point.
  3. Also there is no provision in Constitution of India to make the PM a special person which can be kept out of the law made by parliament. So if someone trying to put PM out of the law, its a violation of the Constitution of India (Article 14, Equality before law)
  4. Govt wants to keep the PM in jurisdiction of Lokpal under some conditions (still not officially confirmed) that once the PM has left the office he can be interrogated. Just yesterday Supreme Court of India rejected the bail plea of Kanimozhi on the grounds that while she is out of the jail, she might try to influence the witnesses and may damage the evidences. Kanimozhi just a bare MP and daughter of former CM can be suspected and denied bail on such grounds, so imagine what PM can do with his power while he is still in the office holding the post.

These are few points on which on one can object to bring PM under the purview of Lokpal, and why should someone object, he's the chief servant of people of India, so he holds the moral responsibility to work with clean image. If you are clean then why you are afraid of law.

There are other points also on which there is a disagreement between two sides on which we can discuss later as this is enough for this blog.

Please correct me if I have missed out something or misquoted something.

Thanks for giving your time for making a better India. Please spread the word to those who are still immune to Lokpal debate.
